Short and Sweet Parenting Tips
Short and Sweet Parenting Tips
TEASER! for Season 2: Diving Deeper
This Fall, Short and Sweet Parenting Tips will dive deeper into topics that are sometimes difficult to bring up in normal conversations with other parents. We will coach parents in a way that covers these tough issues from multiple angles, so that you can feel informed and decide what is right for your family. Have a subject you’d like covered? Please share in the comments! Have a friend who might be interested? Spread the word and share this link!
Hello fellow parents. Whether you are a seasoned listener of Short and Sweet Parenting Tips, or our podcast is new to you, I invite you for Season 2, coming at you right around the time school starts back up.
Short and Sweet Parenting Tips will still be bite-sized nuggets of parenting goodness. Season 2 will just dive deeper into topics that are sometimes difficult to bring up in normal conversations with other parents. Issues like arguing in front of your kids, gender issues, having “the talk”, and mental health. We’ll do our best to approach these subjects in a way that covers them from multiple angles, so that you can feel informed and decide what is right for your household.
Our family has faced plenty of tough scenarios through the years, and we continually find ourselves faced with new, diverse issues and trends – some of which you also might be wondering: “what on google-earth do I do about this?” So what are the issues you’re wrestling with as you parent in this crazy post-pandemic, Gen Z/Gen Alpha world? I’d love to know if you’d like any specific topics covered. You can post or PM your ideas using the Short and Sweet Tips Facebook page. Or, message me through the shortandsweettips.com website.
Looking forward to Season 2 of Short and Sweet Parenting Tips: Diving Deeper.